
XBLA Today: The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai now available on XBLA

The time has come for those of you like a little violence. Well, a little meaning, a whopping million gallon bucket full of blood. Ska Studios brings you The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. It was apart of the Community Games preview that was available some time ago in a one level demo, but today is the day it graduates into becoming a full fledged Xbox Live Arcade game.

Fresh take on gameplay: Gameplay in The Dishwasher is a fresh take on popular stylistic action combat, taking combo- and timing-intensive combat into a 2-D, blood-soaked environment emphasizing speed, vertical movement, and maneuverability, and player-driven pacing to create a truly unique, fluid and visceral experience, with an appealingly psychotic art style.

New game modes with guitar peripheral: The Dishwasher has arcade co-op, drop-in solo campaign co-op, and drop-in solo phantom guitar co-op using the guitar peripheral. Phantom guitar players can unload electric death by playing wicked solos, perform basic movement, and use the guitar’s motion control to rip through enemies with a razor-sharp headstock.

The power of XNA: The Dishwasher is a testament to the power of XNA. The game was created by one guy with no professional game development experience (and a self-described lousy programmer) in about a year and a half.

The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai will set you back 800 MS points. Rhythm action fans, don’t forget to bust out that guitar.

*Click here to add The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai to your download que.

Arcade: The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai [MN]

-William “thewilleffect” Bell-