
XNA Gamefest 2009 pushed to 2010


For all of you budding game developers out there, the following is of high importance.

Gamefest is Microsoft’s premier conference on game development, and so it should revolve around game developers.  We sought out feedback from developers who attended Gamefest 2008 and we found that, given development schedules and ship dates, the conference would be more convenient if held at a different time in the calendar year.  We are taking that feedback seriously and adjusting the timing of Gamefest 2009 to better accommodate developers’ schedules and offer the best experience possible.

We are continually seeking feedback from developers to make sure that Gamefest offers the most valuable, and impactful and timely experience possible.  Should partners, industry and business needs change, we will be open to reevaluating the timing of Gamefest.

You spoke, we listened! [XNA Gamefest]

-William “thewilleffect” Bell-